Personal Care Physician- Start by Working one-on-one, to keep you healthy for life.
Family Health Care-Treating from infant, adolescent, middle-aged, to Seniors. Patients of all ages.
Wellness Medicine-"Treat the cause" through:
*Homeopathic-Using herbs to affect specific pathway dysfunction of our body, such as colds, flus, poison ivy etc.
*Chinese Herbs- Affect meridians and organ metabolic function
*Chinese Medicine- Concept of treating the "root" cause of dysfunction of our body, utilizing acupuncture, herbs, meditation, breathing, Gua sha,
Alternative Medicine- Treatment based on combining a holistic approach.
Chiropractic Medicine- Structure and function of the spine and nervous system.
*Sports Injury- Utilizing wellness model
* Ergonomic Rehab- In office instruction using exercises, stretching and different therapies.
Nutrition-Utilizing bloodwork and evaluate the metabolic function to find nutritional deficiencies.
Customized Care-Treating you individually based on lifestyle, occupation, hobbies, sports, and recreation which all affect your health.
Urgent Care-Treatment of acute episodes or injury, colds and flu, utilizing wellness methods.
Preventative Care-Taking the steps to be proactive about your health.
Concierge Services- Care Packages such as Unlimited Physician Services, Proactive Care Packages. Call for details.
Technologies-The Farotto Investigative Method
Digital Radiology Onsite - Ultrasound - Electrostimulation - Diathermy - Infrared Therapy - Meridian Graphing Unit- Functional Blood Evaluation - Labcorp, Quest, LabTest Diagnostics Affiliation -Digital Office- Stim-Pod Pain Management Modality
If you are in pain now what should you do?
If you are in pain, myself and some physicians need to evaluate you to see what your pain "is not".
What I mean is that when you are evaluated, the physician needs to determine; is the pain a "Crisis" of injury, circulation, cancer, tumor, stroke, muscle sprain, internal bleeding, nerve impingement, chemical imbalance, etc?
Generally, where should I go.... If you can not breath or bleeding, can't reason or think clearly........GET TO A HOSPITAL........They are waiting for you, that is the true definition of "Crisis Care".
However, I often suggest if you are not in a "crisis-life and death state" then you can be evaluated in my office.
Remember together, you and I will evaluate the crisis. Fix the problem and determine how to stop it from occurring in the future.
This form of health care is the ability to understand why you are imbalanced, and then develop a customized protocol to get you back to vitality, reduce discomfort or eliminate it, and then prevent re-injury or re-occurrence.
During a seminar I attended on Environmental allergies, which looks for the "cause" of illness and sickness, and general dysfunction from the environment.
The Allergist stated, "Chiropractic Physicians are specialist in finding the "cause" of an illness, disease, or pain attack, and then using manipulation, nutrition, massage, acupuncture, you can turn the stress of the attack around"
We look for the cause of the interruption of life. It could be your lifestyle, occupation, stress or in general.......the ENVIRONMENT!!!!
What is causing all these tough illnesses? LIke PMS, Irritable Colon, Colitis,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bloating, Stomach Pain, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Allergies, Anxiety Attacks etc.
All these diagnosis of symptoms are "Garbage Diagnosis" The General Medical Practitioner will treat the symptom- not the cause.
However, looking to the cause as a Chiropractic Physician practicing Wellness Health Care, usually the "Garbage Diagnosis" is the imbalance of diet, stress, lifestyle and nerve interference.
The Allergist at the seminar revealed that as you develop toxicity levels in the body, this can lead to immune imbalance all causing "Disease Labels", that can be affected by proper diet, supplementation, and manipulation to correct the nerve interference.
This format in my office for years has helped to effect generalized illnesses that do not respond to drugs and surgery.
Think About It!!!!
The Wellness Model has been effective in many children including my own. The ability to keep the body and wellness foundation has allowed my children and patients to eat better foods such as fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, allows them to be less sick, less overweight, and less prone to injury.
I have met some children who don't eat fruits and vegetables, and they have health problems, sinus drainage, headaches, constipation and so on. Their body's functional level is diminished because "fresh" foods have not been introduced.
I know that society is fast paced, but the quick instant meals are short changing our children's health.
There is no difference between the adult and child's desire to be healthy and pain free.
Having the body balanced to help them improve the dysfunction of back pain, neck pain, ear infection, flu like symptoms. It is so exciting to see children in the office respond faster with wellness care. Children are growing bigger and faster every minute of the day.
Children are easily taught how to sit properly, and exercise.
If parents get into a routine of spinal adjustments for their children, while their bodies are growing, then the bodies balance is preventative. So injuries and pain attacks can recover quickly, as well as improve future health.
Adjustments during growth spurts build "balance" in the their bodies. This can be seen as better coordination in sports, better health, less sickness and better focus on tasks at school or at home.
It is awesome to be a part of the mother's experience to help them nurture and keep healthy "without" drugs to bring a new life into the world.
The Wellness Model is very effective for you as you and your baby learn and grow together.
Wow, growing is big work. It is not uncommon for Mom's to put on 30-40-50 pounds of extra weight as your bundle of joy is developing.
As expected, this will put a drain on you as you "try" to do everything in your schedule that you normally do, clean house, go to work, help with homework, make dinner and so on......
Aside from the daily life as you know, nutritional demands are being always present, as well as during sleep.
Using wellness as complimentary to the newborn and keeping a firm hand on eating, sleeping and spinal health balance as your weight and walking gait change, is challenging during pregnancy.
However, massage, nutrition, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, ergonomic posture education, and exercise performed routinely all the way up to delivery will ensure better delivery.
This is beneficial since you have maintained muscle tone, been active, rested, taken stress breaks and are balanced in Mind, Body and Spirit.
This category of injury should be handled just as any acute injury that has occurred.
Lets treat you the injured person.
My philosophy is in order to effectively recover from injuries that involve other people or legal representation, the main consideration is the welfare and peace of mind of the "individual that has been injured".
Get better results..
In order to get better results when you are injured unexpectedly is to find out the "cause" of the pain pattern directly.
If you have been to the hospital or office of your physician, and your injuries were addressed and treated, sent home with medication, that should do the trick.
Some patients are forced to do Physical Therapy for exercise.
In most cases over the years, the injury has been managed and treated.
However, I have found that in many cases you are released with pain and medication and return to work too soon.
The patient does much better if allowed to rest 1-2 weeks with passive care with massage, spinal manipulation, acupuncture, stretching, therapeutic modalities, and ergonomic posture training to increase chances that they will stay at work and be productive when you go back.
You are a human individual with the right to get results from an accident!!!
I work for you, keep in mind that since this injury situation may have legal consequences, I make sure your "wellness" mentally ,physically and spiritually have been "balanced".
This way you can have results from the accident and provide information and documentation to have a chance to have better results now and recovery into the future.